Saint Paul College
Health and Science Alliance Center
Health and Science Alliance Center Supports Higher Education STEM Learning
BTR was consultant architect to Oliver and Associates, architect of record, for the Saint Paul College Health and Science Alliance Center (HSAC) project. The demand for highly trained health care professionals and increased STEM capacity is driving the need at all levels of higher education for up-to-date facilities. In response, the college constructed 39,000 square feet of flexible classrooms, and state-of-the-art biology, chemistry and high-tech nursing simulation labs. These new facilities will expand workforce opportunities and open up more options for the diverse student population that Saint Paul College serves. This will open avenues to 4-year programs at partner institutions and make them more
Client: Saint Paul College
Location: Saint Paul, MN
Size: 36,182 GSF (new); 5,630 GSF (renov)