sanidhya (sandy) kumar


Sanidhya (Sandy) is a dedicated design enthusiast who joined our team in June 2022. She gained experience at an architectural firm and received a Bachelor’s degree in Bangalore, India. She then pursued her Master's degree for Architecture in Minneapolis.

Sandy’s profound passion lies in the exploration of human emotions and behaviors within different spatial contexts. Through her experience and research, she realized the importance of creating architectural designs that serve as catalysts for meaningful conversations and foster social interactions among people. She successfully integrates these interests into her projects, employing a range of design strategies such as way-finding, movement, and visual cues to enhance the built environment, with a diverse portfolio that spans residential, libraries, schools, and civic buildings. 

Beyond architecture, she is an avid reader, particularly drawn to behavioral psychology and philosophical exploration. She engages in leisure pursuits, hiking and crafting miniature clay models while also trying to keep her plants alive.


Master of Architecture | University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA

Bachelor of Architecture | Acharya’s NRV School of Architecture, Bangalore, India